Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 BusinessUncategorized March 12, 2020 It’s unbelievable what comes out when you allow people to contribute. Andreea Roșca MS: In the transition moments, was there anything that helped you? A thought, a ritual,…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 3 BusinessUncategorized February 28, 2020 When a company is willing to publish non-financial information, you can trust it. Dragoș Tuță A sustainability report is proof of transparency. Its main benefit is that it is a…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtBusinessFashionInterviewsUncategorized January 31, 2020 Plant based dyeing is a good exercise for learning patience. Andreea Tron I’m still at the beginning. The 10th start (she laughs). First of all, I think…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtUncategorized January 24, 2020 Being a makeup artist is a profession you choose. Diana Ionescu Now Diana is specialized in face art and physiognomy modelling. Since 2012 she has opened…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtLiterature December 13, 2019 It’s no habit at all. Cătălin Ștefănescu Cătălin teaches two courses in the Theater and Film Faculty of Babeş Bolay University in…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 BusinessInterviewsUncategorized October 25, 2019 You cannot accelerate growing up. Aliz Kosza Problems arise because people starts wrong a business or they skip stages. This jump is…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 BusinessInterviews September 3, 2019 People don’t trust merchants. Antonio Éram What do the payment methods say about people? Well, first of all, the payment market…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 InterviewsMovie July 15, 2019 I don’t want to live this, and then I have to sacrifice the people close to me. Mihai Smarandache My life in the theater was somehow conditioned by others, if they needed me, they'd…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 BusinessInterviews July 7, 2019 People with a vision succeed only because other people believe in them. Adina Popescu But over time she wanted to reach more people, have an impact and the art…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtBusinessInterviewsUncategorized June 9, 2019 There is nothing to prove in nature. Irina Neacșu Botanical art has hundreds of hours of work behind. It's a patience exercise and at…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArchitectureBusinessInterviewsUncategorized June 1, 2019 There is no development without communication. Teodor Frolu The architecture has helped me in many areas unrelated to "building" because working on a…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 BusinessInterviewsUncategorized May 25, 2019 Every time I come to the conclusion: it’s worth it. Ruxandra Micșunescu The discrepancy doesn’t involve only the press, but also the reader. Quality content, like an…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtFashionLiteratureUncategorized May 12, 2019 I always wanted behind the scenes. Alina Aliman Alina Aliman has grown up in Suceava, in a fairytale Bucovina, where the children became…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtBusinessInterviews April 20, 2019 You can reinvent yourself at any time, if you have some intelligence and you work for it. ” Sandra Ecobescu I am passionate about what I am doing, some would say workaholic, and in this…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 BusinessFoodInterviewsUncategorized April 14, 2019 I don’t always DO what I WANT, but I always WANT what I DO. Adrian Hădean I don’t look at the client, I look at myself, because all these things I…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 InterviewsMovieUncategorized April 7, 2019 There are movie sequences when 4,000 people keep a complete silence. Miruna Berescu I would love to have an idea, even ordinary, and put it in the hands…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 FashionInterviewsUncategorized March 30, 2019 The higher the speed of the industry, the stronger my brakes are. Irina Marinescu I thought about myself I was 27 years old. Andrei, my partner, thinks I stayed…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtInterviewsLiteratureMovieUncategorized March 19, 2019 The sharpest look I have outside the stage. Lia Bugnar At Green Hours I don’t really sit in the chair, I am nervous. I stand…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 3 BusinessFashionInterviewsUncategorized February 26, 2019 If my father said I can do it, it means I can. Mirela Bucovicean But that doesn’t mean that I don’t do compromises, even if it bothers me. You…Read More
Marta Sturzeanu 0 2 ArtInterviewsUncategorized February 8, 2019 At the age of 30 I took a step back and I just want to live well. Mădălina Andronic "Although the plan is sacred to me, I try another approach, more relaxed, where I…Read More